What You Should Know About Tattoo Allergies!

It is no secret that there are a lot of people who have tattoos experience tattoo allergies one way or another. This is due to the ink that is used on the tattoo. The ink contains some chemical that can cause an allergy to the skin. Most people get allergies on red and yellow color of the ink. There are some components on these colors that can cause allergies such as nickel, mercury and cobalt.

People with tattoo allergies will experience itchiness, redness and irritation. Sometimes worst cases happen like composition of puss. If this happens you need to see a doctor immediately. There are some instances that the doctor give steroid to the patient to help in controlling the allergy.

There are times that a person does not have reaction on new tattoo for over a week. After a year later the allergy will eventually appear. This kind of delay in the reaction is maybe due to the weather change or any ailments that the person may have.

Usually if the allergy is not that dangerous like if the patient only feels a little swelling or itchiness some medications for allergies will do, but if the case is much worse the doctor may recommend removing the ink with a laser.

It is difficult to learn if a person is allergic to tattoo ink since the reaction takes sol long to appear. You will only know if you are allergic if you already had the tattoo on your body.

It is very important to keep in mind what the tattoo artist will tell you regarding the proper care of your tattoo to somehow avoid allergic reactions.

See the original post: What You Should Know About Tattoo Allergies!

Duke Lasik


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