Try Aromatherapy for Seizure Disorders Healing In Quantum Brain Healing

Quantum Brain Healing usually requires nutritional changes to manage epilepsy and seizure disorder. The diet always impacts the course of any disease. The trauma that accompanies seizures can be stopped for those with seizures triggered by food allergies after the food trigger is identified. This identification can occur with blood tests, skin tests, muscle testing, and NAET testing. Each of these methods will work better for some patients than others. Skin tests can produce anaphylactic shock.

Dietary changes can be implemented immediately. Quantum Brain Healing eliminates fried foods, hydrogenated oils, sugar, caffeine, decaffeinated coffee other than the Swiss decaf method, alcohol, nicotine, carbonated beverages, fermented foods, and most refined foods. It is best to reduce your reduce your meat consumption and eat yogurt with live cultures. Drink freshly made vegetable juice on a daily basis and reduce fruit juices. There are several diets which are known to reduce seizures in many patients and they include the ketogenic diet, the GARD diet, the Rotation Diet, and the Elimination Diet. It is important to stay well hydrated by drinking 8 cups of pure water every day. Hydration can lengthen the amount of time between seizures.

The zinc and copper ratio is often out of balance for many people with epilepsy. The zinc level is low and copper level is high. This ratio needs to be addressed with close monitoring. Dietary changes focusing on eating more foods high in zinc or zinc supplementation may be necessary.

These food are believed by some to have value in reducing the frequency seizures: asparagus, beans, liver, carob, wheat, white lupine, Chinese cabbage, soybean, chives, buffalo gourd, groundnut, grains, butternut, almond, opium poppy, tomato, Italian stone pine, chaya, cowpea, black beans, pignut hickory, white mustard. Their ability to have this biochemical action is likely to be in their chemical and nutritional structure.

Dr Tim Betts at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England researched using aromatherapy to help to control epilepsy. People with seizures that begin with a warning may be able to breathe in the scent of the aromatic oils at the start of the warning and reduce the likelihood or severity of an epileptic seizure. This should be carefully done under the guidance of a professional due to the fact that some essential oils can trigger seizures. The essential oils to be avoided by those with epilepsy include wormwood, sage, rosemary, hyssop, and fennel. ©Dr R Stone, MD in Alternative Medicine-India

Read the rest here: Try Aromatherapy for Seizure Disorders Healing In Quantum Brain Healing

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