Top 10 Ways to Cure Eczema

Eczema is a disease of the skin. It is a form of dermatitis – the epidermis or the outer layer of the skin gets inflated. It is not known what causes eczema. Eczema might be caused by hereditary, genetic and allergic conditions, aggravated by dry air, heat and other allergies. Eczema causes dryness and flaking of skin, redness and rashes, blisters, swellings, oozing and even bleeding.

1. Upon the occurrence of any such sign you should immediately consult a doctor, to determine the exact cause. If the cause is eczema your doctor will start relevant treatment.

2. At the same time you can start home treatment using natural methods. But these must not interfere with your doctor’s medications. Your doctor will be able to advice which home treatment materials are best for your skin.

3. Typical allopathic medication prescribed by doctors to treat eczema, include topical steroid creams or oral steroids.

4. However because of the well known side effect causing tendencies of steroids, doctors sometimes prescribe antibiotics or immunosuppressant such as ciclosporin (Cyclosporine), azathioprine or methotrexate.

5. A big factor in eczema is lifestyle conditions. Stress is very bad for eczema. Harsh climatic conditions, dust and sweat all enhance the effects of eczema. It is very essential to ensure conditions that reduce these. Use air conditioners and humidifiers at home.

6. If the climate outside is harsh then avoid the outside as much as you can. Exposure to sunlight enhances the severity of the effects. Sun screen does not help and on the other hand is harmful.

7. Keep your home dust free. Dust all liveries, bed sheets, pillow covers and wardrobes and keep them all clean. Keep pets at a distance and groom them regularly to avoid hair loss.

8. It is very important to sleep and maintain a low level of stress. Food habits need to be controlled as well. Spicy and fatty food has negative effects. Avoid them as the first rule. Avoid certain food, which act as allergens that irritate and worsen the conditions. These include alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and tea. Fast food should be avoided at all costs.

9. Colloidal oatmeal meal and baking soda combines is very good for treating eczema. Take oat meal baths to alleviate the conditions. Cleanse your skin with the combination of the two instead of soap. Soap is not good for eczema infected skin. Take a baking soda bath in the morning and an oatmeal bath in the evening. Use three fourth cup of baking soda in cool bath water for your morning bath. Sit in the bath for at least 15 minutes. For the evening bath, use one packet of colloidal oatmeal in cool water and again sit in it for at least 15 minutes.

10. Coconut oil used together with tea tree oil as well as Neem oil is good for treating eczema. They all stop the itchiness that is associated with eczema. Use cotton pads wetted with cold milk on affected areas to get quick relief.

Eczema is a very difficult disease in the sense that it produces a constant itchiness and irritation that affects all aspects of daily life. If you want to learn more techniques with curing eczema please check out all the our review about the best guides to help you finally find your cure.

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