Allergy Symptoms in Children

Many children fall ill since they are allergic to something or the other. While some allergic reactions are mild in some group of population. It can cause severe damage to the body ... Continue Reading →

Common Allergy Symptoms

Do you suspect that you could be struggling with allergies?  For those who do, you may be looking for a confirmation.  After all, some folks believe that they do not have to seek ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Solutions For Airborne Allergies

Air allergies are very common, and the solutions devised for them are both chemical and mechanical. Before discussing that statement, let’s first have a look at the type of so-called ... Continue Reading →

Nickel Allergy and Sources of Contact

In general, for metal to cause a problem it needs to be in a moist environment. It is moisture that corrodes the metal which then gets released into the body. Where do these moist ... Continue Reading →

Egg Allergy Signs and Symptoms

One of the most common of all food allergies, especially amongst children. Most people will eventually outgrow their allergy but for a small percentage of people it will remain. Egg ... Continue Reading →

Tattoos and Allergies

Tattooing is on its way to become a popular form of body art. Earlier accepted among a fraction of people in society, tattoos are now beautifying people from all sections. These tattoos ... Continue Reading →

Allergic Reactions Due to Tattoo Ink

An allergic reaction due to tattoo ink is rare, but red inks alone can cause allergic reactions. All the inks except red ink are hypo-allergenic. So when you are about to add red ink ... Continue Reading →