Guidelines And Tips In Planning A Banqueting Menu

When planning a party or an event, start brainstorming for the perfect date first. Party venues are usually jam packed during peak seasons such as holiday seasons, thanksgiving and ... Continue Reading →

Use a Ketogenic Diet to Resolve Seizures and Epilepsy

Quantum Brain Healing usually requires nutritional changes to manage epilepsy and seizure disorder. The diet always impacts the course of any disease. Seizures triggered by food allergies ... Continue Reading →

A Henna Tattoo is Better Than Permanent – Here’s Why!

What is the difference between a henna tattoo and a permanent tattoo? Which type of tattoo is better? Both henna tattoos and permanent tattoos are considered body art. Both types originated ... Continue Reading →

Tattoos and Allergies

Tattooing is on its way to become a popular form of body art. Earlier accepted among a fraction of people in society, tattoos are now beautifying people from all sections. These tattoos ... Continue Reading →

What You Should Know About Tattoo Allergies!

It is no secret that there are a lot of people who have tattoos experience tattoo allergies one way or another. This is due to the ink that is used on the tattoo. The ink contains ... Continue Reading →

Dogs For People With Allergies

If you or a family member suffers from a dog dander allergy there may still be hope if you select the right breed of dog. Allergic reactions to dogs are caused by dog dander which ... Continue Reading →

Eating Healthy and Loving It!

I love savory vegetables in rich sauces with sautéed, marinated chicken. I love the nutty flavor of my sprouted flatbread. I even love the simple spicy sweetness of an apple sprinkled ... Continue Reading →