Allergy Effects on The Pancreas and Small Intestine

Pancreas: The pancreas is a long, narrow gland which stretches from the spleen to about the middle of the duodenum. It has three main functions. Firstly, to provide digestive juices ... Continue Reading →

Shellfish Allergies Symptoms & Treatments Help

Shellfish allergies are caused by two classes of foods- mollusks which include clams, mussels, and oysters and crustaceans which include shrimp, lobster, and crabs. This also includes ... Continue Reading →

The Most Common Toddler Allergies

It is very common to come across people who are allergic to some or the other substance and according to various studies about 50 million people in the US suffer from some or the other ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Effects on the Liver and Colon

The Liver: The liver is the largest gland in the body. Amongst other things, it is a detoxifying agent and a blood reservoir. It breaks down waste matter in the blood and manufactures ... Continue Reading →

How to Determine If You Have Allergies – Allergy Symptoms

Allergy is a term broadly used in describing a reaction of body tissues that is unusual to a substance that has no distinctive or noticeable effect on other humans. According to studies, ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Causes – 3 Theories on What Really Causes Allergies

We spend so much time talking about allergy symptoms and allergy remedies that we often overlook the most basic question of all – that being what is the cause of allergies? And ... Continue Reading →

Yeast Allergies – Allergy Shots for the Cure

A friend of mine is going to start receiving allergy shots next Wednesday, and before that he asked me if this will help a lot if he has severe allergies. His most potent allergy is ... Continue Reading →

Guidelines And Tips In Planning A Banqueting Menu

When planning a party or an event, start brainstorming for the perfect date first. Party venues are usually jam packed during peak seasons such as holiday seasons, thanksgiving and ... Continue Reading →

Top 10 Ways to Cure Eczema

Eczema is a disease of the skin. It is a form of dermatitis – the epidermis or the outer layer of the skin gets inflated. It is not known what causes eczema. Eczema might be ... Continue Reading →

Party Time – Company Style

Every year, at least one or two occasions merit a company party. An annual holiday bash is traditional for many offices; other events such as a commemoration of an employee’s ... Continue Reading →

Tattoo – 3 Major Risks in Getting a Tattoo!

There is always a risk involved with everything. Even with medicines and medical procedures, there is always a certain percentage that something wrong will happen or have a side effect ... Continue Reading →