Horse Allergy Treatment and Prevention

Just like humans, horses can have a number of different types of allergies. The most common types of horse allergies are respiratory and skin. Respiratory allergies are also known ... Continue Reading →

Clean Air Means Less House Cleaning and Dusting? Yep, Sure Does!

Does it seem like you’re cleaning all the time? And every time you turn around, there’s another layer of dust on that piece of furniture? Time for carpet cleaning…again?! ... Continue Reading →

Preparing For Allergy Season: How To Minimize the Effects of Airborne Allergies

Depending on the type of allergy and where you live, the season of dread can start as early as January or begin as late as September. But regardless of which season of the year sends ... Continue Reading →

Caring For Your Carpet and Your Allergies

For many, allergies are an unpleasant part of changing seasons. But, if you blame your allergies on your carpet, you may be assigning fault to the wrong place. A number of people are ... Continue Reading →