A ‘Cure’ For Chronic Allergies? Shots Help Patients Develop Long-Lasting Immunity

One in five Americans suffers from chronic allergy symptoms, and about 17 million more suffer from asthma, which often includes shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. All are ... Continue Reading →

Herbs For Allergies – Providing Natural Allergy Relief

When you have allergies, it’s no fun, but besides over-the-counter medications or drugs prescribed by your doctor, you can also sometimes used herbs to alleviate your allergic ... Continue Reading →

Ignoring the Potential of Asthma Can Prove Disastrous

Ever feel short of breath from little physical activity, despite being in decent shape? Does your child suffer from coughing episodes without any perceivable trigger? You or your loved ... Continue Reading →

Avoid and Deal With Allergy Headaches

Did you know that your seasonal allergy may be causing you headaches? There’s a lot of people suffering from allergy headaches and they don’t know the real cause for it. ... Continue Reading →

What You Should Know About Tattoo Allergies!

It is no secret that there are a lot of people who have tattoos experience tattoo allergies one way or another. This is due to the ink that is used on the tattoo. The ink contains ... Continue Reading →