Allergy Treatments – A “Home Treatment” – Energetic Approach to Treating Allergies

Allergies are an improper response or hypersensitivity to a substance that doesn’t affect most people. Everything in our world has an energetic signature or vibration that distinguishes ... Continue Reading →

Horse Allergy Treatment and Prevention

Just like humans, horses can have a number of different types of allergies. The most common types of horse allergies are respiratory and skin. Respiratory allergies are also known ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Season Relief For Your Dog

Spring is almost upon us and you know what that means – allergy season has started. One of the most common concerns that we handle each and every day is the intense and aggravating ... Continue Reading →

Tattoos and Allergies

Tattooing is on its way to become a popular form of body art. Earlier accepted among a fraction of people in society, tattoos are now beautifying people from all sections. These tattoos ... Continue Reading →

What You Should Know About Tattoo Allergies!

It is no secret that there are a lot of people who have tattoos experience tattoo allergies one way or another. This is due to the ink that is used on the tattoo. The ink contains ... Continue Reading →

Eating Healthy and Loving It!

I love savory vegetables in rich sauces with sautéed, marinated chicken. I love the nutty flavor of my sprouted flatbread. I even love the simple spicy sweetness of an apple sprinkled ... Continue Reading →