Steam Bathing – Benefits of Having a Steam Shower

A Brief Summary on Steam Showers

A steam shower is a small cabin or enclosure designed to contain heated water vapour that has been created using a humidifying steam generator. They combine the functionality of a standard steam room with many additional features including a shower. Steam showers are designed for use in a bathroom. Therefore, many of them have been packed out with features that enhance the standard showering experience, turning the bathroom into a mini spa.

Ok that’s cool, but how can a steam shower benefit me?

Well, you would be surprised if I told you.

Steam showers can benefit you in a number of ways including:

Stress Relief
Muscle relaxation
Relief from stiff joints
sinus congestion relief
blood circulation improvement
and more…

Skin Benefits

There is nothing better for your skin than a nice, heavy sweat. In fact, sweating cleanses your skin more thoroughly than soap and water. how? It opens your pores and allows grime and dead cells to be flushed out. Steam Baths can be helpful in treating acne and several other skin conditions. Also, the heat causes an increase in blood circulation, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your skin surface. Over time, this can help contribute to a healthy, glowing appearance.

Respiratory Benefits

Both saunas and steam showers are therapeutic, but the high moisture content in a steam room is especially good for respiratory problems. For generations, doctors have recommended breathing steam for all kinds of respiratory issues.

Steam baths have been proven to be effective for conditions such as…


Steam can help clear allergens and mucus from your lungs.

Vaporizers cannot compare. Why?

Because a steam room exposes you to a higher concentration of steam, making it more effective for providing relief from breathing problems. Breathing passages are soothed because of increased moisture content in your lungs, throat, and nose.

Dr. Darrell L. Wolfe, Ac, Ph.D, wrote a good article about the therapeutic health benefits of steam rooms.

Pain Relief

Heat has been known to be effective against joint and muscular pain. It causes your blood vessels to expand, which increases blood circulation. As a result, more oxygen and nutrients can reach damaged parts of your body. This has the double effect of temporarily reducing or stopping pain and increasing your body’s healing rate. Spend 10 or 15 minutes in a steam room after you exercise for example, and you’ll help speed up healing of damaged muscle tissue.

Stress Be Gone

Many people have lives filled with stress, and we all know what stress can lead to…

high blood pressure
cardiovascular disease
migraine headaches
muscle tension

…and the list goes on.

Steam showers are a great way to unwind and relieve stress. The heat tells your muscles to relax, and the cloud of steam provides the perfect soothing atmosphere for calming your mind. I can’t sit more than two minutes in a steam room and not feel completely relaxed. Have you ever taken a steam bath before bed? If so, you already know that it promotes deep, restful sleep which is so important for recharging your batteries and healing your body. Spending time in a steam room regularly can quite possibly have a noticeable impact on your health, appearance, and your state of mind.

Continue reading here: Steam Bathing – Benefits of Having a Steam Shower


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