Peanut Allergy Treatment

Among various types of skin allergies, allergy by peanut is very dangerous as it can cause death. Currently in US, almost 1.1 percent of the population suffers from allergy by peanut. Second to peanuts, allergy causing foods are eggs, fishes, and tree nuts.

Symptoms Of Peanut Allergy

– Respiratory problem, in which the person faces difficulty in breathing.
– Gastrointestinal problem such as indigestion or stomach cramps
– Swelling
– In sever cases, person has anaphylactic shock caused due to increased levels of histamine in blood. Without timely intervention, this can lead to heart failure or even death.
– Collapse of body blood circulation to organs
– Excessive sweating due to increased histamine levels

Treatment For Peanut Allergy

There are no particular treatments available as of now. Treatments vary in accordance with severity of the occasion and most of the cures available only reduces or controls the symptoms and not eradicate it permanently. Here are some of the treatments:

– Avoid having foods containing peanut or any of its processed items. Some manufacturing companies use peanuts as an adulterant. Therefore, children allergic to peanuts should be kept away for sure. When purchasing processed and packaged items, check the printed contents. Similarly, almost all major airlines provide peanut snack in flight- strictly avoid them.

– Epinephrine or adrenaline injections help to minimize the effect of anaphylactic shock. The injection reverses the anaphylactic reaction by increasing heart rate, increasing blood flow, and relaxing the body muscles.

– Peanut allergy happens because the stomach is sensitive to it. Hence, in a new way to deal with this allergy, researches are being carried out to desensitize people of peanuts by feeding them small doses over a period of time. Right now, its benefits are not clearly explicit but some medical centers do use it. Way of administering it includes injections and oral.

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