What You Should Know About Tattoo Allergies!

It is no secret that there are a lot of people who have tattoos experience tattoo allergies one way or another. This is due to the ink that is used on the tattoo. The ink contains ... Continue Reading →

Dogs For People With Allergies

If you or a family member suffers from a dog dander allergy there may still be hope if you select the right breed of dog. Allergic reactions to dogs are caused by dog dander which ... Continue Reading →

Eating Healthy and Loving It!

I love savory vegetables in rich sauces with sautéed, marinated chicken. I love the nutty flavor of my sprouted flatbread. I even love the simple spicy sweetness of an apple sprinkled ... Continue Reading →

Allergic Reactions Due to Tattoo Ink

An allergic reaction due to tattoo ink is rare, but red inks alone can cause allergic reactions. All the inks except red ink are hypo-allergenic. So when you are about to add red ink ... Continue Reading →

Allergies – Ayurveda Treatment

Allergies refers to an exaggerated reaction by our immune system in response to bodily contact with certain foreign substances. These foreign substances are usually harmless. But, in ... Continue Reading →

Allergies Treatment – All Natural Solutions

A person can react to harmless substances such as mold, animal dander, dust, pollen and certain types of foods. This results in common symptoms such as watery and itchy eyes and nose, ... Continue Reading →

Allergies: Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy is very effective for treating allergies as it works with the natural responses of one’s whole body and strengthens the body’s defense mechanisms. For this reason, ... Continue Reading →

Two Treatment Approaches to Allergies

So you have been diagnosed with an allergy, now what? This is a position millions of American have been in. Whether you are allergic to food, certain air elements or any number of things ... Continue Reading →

Cause Of Allergies – A Basic Understanding

It is important you gain an understanding as to what is the cause of allergies so that you can better come up with a treatment plan. Having said that, the cause of allergies has been ... Continue Reading →

How the Weather Can Cause Allergies

You may not know this but the weather can produce allergies too. The weather can cause allergies if it is usually humid outside and it can also affect an individual’s immune system. ... Continue Reading →

The True Cause Of Allergies – It’s In The Liver

I used to be allergic and asthmatic. Allergy shots and allergy treatments from age 6 to age 16 made me into a spacey human pin cushion. Inhalers and medications were kept in every corner ... Continue Reading →

Food Proteins Called Allergens Cause Food Allergies

Food allergy is an unusual response to a food generated by body’s immune system. Allergies to food are caused when the immune system sets up an attack on specific proteins in ... Continue Reading →