Make Cat Allergies Disappear Like Magic – Learn How

Cat allergies cause more than half of all pet allergies with one in 10 U.S. households being affected. Most people think it’s the cat hair that make people allergic. But the real problem is proteins in the cats’ saliva and dander that play havoc on the immune system.

How can a cat protein cause such an allergic reaction?

People with allergies have an overactive immune system. Their bodies mistake harmless things as dangerous invaders, and attack them with a vengeance as though it’s a toxin, bacteria or virus (trying to protect the body from something that is actually harmless). The symptoms and side affects are the bodies reaction to the protein in the cat dander.

Cats produce large amounts of this allergen, especially male cats. The particles causing the irritation are very small and distributed and carried on clothes and circulated in the air. Because of their small size, it’s very difficult to clean these particles. They are also inhaled deeply in the lungs. Inhaled allergens can trigger other allergies, especially asthma.

What can you do if you own a cat and have allergies?

You could try to limit exposure, though very difficult.
Ensure your cat is neutered.
Wipe your cat with a wet cloth or hand towel.
Keep the cat away from the living area and especially the bedroom.
Use a HEPA filter for the air and HEPA equipped vacuum cleaner can help.
Get rid of the cat.

Even if you decide to get rid of the cat, the symptoms can persist for months or years due to the fact that it is difficult if not impossible to eliminate all of the particulates. You should steam clean the carpets, launder drapes, sheets and bedding and clean all fabric furniture and vacuum daily.

And if you have taken a liking to your cat and can’t get rid of him or her, and I can certainly understand why you can’t, I just got one myself, there is another option.

There are methods that have been successful in treating cat allergies and allergies in general.

NAET or Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) is an alternative medicine technique intended as a treatment for allergies and chemical sensitivities and is performed by a practitioner. NAET is based on energy blockages can cause allergies and when those blockages are released, the allergy is eliminated.

BioSET is a NAET variation of the NAET procedure. The main difference is that certain digestive enzymes and a special detox program.

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is based on the fact that there is an emotional aspect to allergies. By removing the emotional aspect, the allergies go away.

BodyTalk is an energy medicine that communicates the “The Innate Wisdom” of the body to ascertain what is causing the allergic response and administers balancing and reconnecting aspects where the energy was broken. This is a very powerful healing modality that is also offered through practitioners throughout the world.

The Allergy Kit is by far the easiest way to treat your allergies. Unlike the other treatment protocols, you can administer the treatments yourself. It’s quick and will allow you to keep your cat, stop vacuuming every day and live as though you don’t have allergies to cats because you won’t.

If cleaning, vacuuming, brushing, shampooing and expensive filters sounds like too much work, try The Allergy Kit. It works, we guarantee it.

Go here to read the rest: Make Cat Allergies Disappear Like Magic – Learn How

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