Innovative Lush Soap and Oatmeal Soap

Lush Soap

Lush Soaps fall under the non-herbal category of soaps. It contains chemical ingredients and composition and these ingredients are same as the ingredients of commercially available shampoo. Lush Soaps can also be treated as the solid form of shampoos. The action performed by it is same as other commercially available soaps with chemicals. It helps in cleansing the skin as well as treating acne. The chemicals present in Lush Soap act directly on the bacteria present in skin and kill them. It also acts against bacteria growth and is instrumental in removing dead skin if any from the body.

Apart from all these skin cleansing properties, Lush Soaps are considered to be harmful for skin only due to the presence of chemicals which may react with skin and cause various skin ailments. Lush soap is not considered to be fit for baby skins as chemicals can easily react with soft skin of the baby thereby causing skin allergies in some cases. While purchasing this soap the individuals should take proper note of the ingredients as some ingredients may cause skin allergies even to adults.

Cost wise, Lush Soaps are much costly than their other commercially available counterparts. However, both provide the same result.

Oatmeal Soap

Oatmeal is hydrophilic in nature, due to which it attracts water and helps in keeping the skin moist. Due to these hydrophilic properties oatmeal protects the skin in a very natural way. Oatmeal Soaps contain oatmeal and has many therapeutic properties. This Soap is good for every skin type and provides a mild soothing effect on every skin. It is widely used by various age groups ranging from kids to adults and has no restrictions. Oatmeal soap is a 100 per cent natural soap and does not contain any chemicals unlike its chemical mixed counterparts thereby making it safe for children as well as those with sensitive skin.

Oatmeal Soap has an anti-allergic effect. It also provides relief from itching along with making the skin soft. Oatmeal Soap is highly recommended by physicians all over the world and has become integral part of treatment of allergies and other skin related problems. Due to its anti-bacterial properties too it is also used for killing bacteria.

Oatmeal Soap is easy to make and can be processed using household kits. Due to natural and skin friendly properties of Oatmeal it is used in every kid product available ranging from kid’s shampoo to kid’s face wash and kid’s bathing shower too.

It is highly recommended for all age groups.

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