How to Make Soap – Solve Mysterious Allergies by Making Soap Such As Olive Oil Laundry Soap

Making soap is something that is easy to do and once you have done it the once, you will find how to make soap in its many delectable forms too.

I believe that it is becoming more important to make an effort to find alternatives to the “beauty bars” and “moisturizing bars” on the shelves these days, as these products are not soap but petroleum-based detergents – which can be irritating to sensitive skin. Soap is a cleanser formed from mixing lye with natural fatty acids and natural oils. According to the FDA, you cannot label a cleaning product as soap unless it has these ingredients.

There are so many allergies and sinus infections that affect children and adults alike, these poor people go through intensive allergy testing only to find that they react to nothing. So they are given instructions to monitor their diet to see if by excluding certain foods that their symptoms clear up. Sound advice you might say and to some degree it is sensible. But what if despite all the monitoring and exclusion diets in the world don’t do the trick?

What could be causing these dramatic symptoms?

If you have any curious allergies that just won’t be cured by any treatment, then you may be interested in the following:

Allergy testing tends to cover most of the airborne irritants that can affect our lives adversely, but it doesn’t delve into the realms of common chemicals that surround us in our everyday lives.

Many people are irritated by formaldehyde which is an ingredient used as a preservative in many common cosmetics, creams and lotions, even lip balm. With this fact in mind it might be prudent to exclude as many forms of modern detergents in the home as possible, if you have a family member who suffers from sinus infections and allergies but do not seem to feel better despite your best efforts to treat them.

Try making a batch of handmade olive oil laundry soap and washing all the bed linen, curtains, pillow cases and clothes in it. It is fabulously gentle but effective and you shouldn’t have much need to presoak the items either. The added boon is that it is a very satisfying hobby too!

There is a plethora of chemicals in the home these days, ones that brighten whites, remove stains, soften clothes, dissolve limescale… The list goes on and on.

If you can cut the number of cleaning products in your home and finds ways to make soap – natural ones such as the olive oil soap, then you may well find that like many other people, that the allergies and sinus problems of you and your loved ones may well disappear.

Read more from the original source: How to Make Soap – Solve Mysterious Allergies by Making Soap Such As Olive Oil Laundry Soap

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