Allergy Symptoms in Children

Many children fall ill since they are allergic to something or the other. While some allergic reactions are mild in some group of population. It can cause severe damage to the body in many children.

Allergy is nothing but a reaction of the body’s immune system to allergens or invaders that may or may not react on some people depending on their resistance and hormone compositions. While some allergens are seasonal, others can react on the body anytime of the year.

Allergens may include:

• Microscopic insects like dust mites which feed on dead skin cells

• Pollen that cause seasonal allergies.

• Molds or fungi.

• Domestic pets causing allergy due to dander.

• Cockroaches that feed on grains and dairy products.

Some of the common symptoms of allergies include:

• Watery red, itchy eyes sometimes developing dark circles

• Skin creases under the nose while rubbing it upwards

• Runny nose, Nose blockages and Sneezing

• Fatigue and restlessness

• Excessive perspiration or palpitations

• Sore throat and coughing

• Headache

• Hives or warts on the skin

Sometimes consuming certain food items can trigger allergic reactions. For example, peanuts, wheat, tree nuts, shellfish, seafood, sesame and sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, soybeans do not suit some children. Some of the common indications of food allergies include itchy mouth or throat, skin rashes, cramps in the abdomen, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea and difficulty in breathing. While milk is important for the body, some children are lactose intolerant and hence, they cannot digest dairy products like cheese, milk, egg, ice cream and yogurt.

Read more: Allergy Symptoms in Children



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