Allergy Solutions For Airborne Allergies

Air allergies are very common, and the solutions devised for them are both chemical and mechanical. Before discussing that statement, let’s first have a look at the type of so-called air allergies from which up to 20% of the world’s population suffer. First, there is no such thing as an air allergy: nobody is allergic to air! Imagine the consequences! No, it is what the air that you breathe contains that is allergenic. Any anti allergy treatment you receive has to be effective against the allergens, and in order to answer the question that you are about to ask, an allergen is a substance that initiates an allergic reaction from your immune system.

Whenever your system recognizes a foreign body it your immune system initiates a sequence of defense reactions against it. That foreign body could be as large as a transplanted liver or as small as a pollen grain or tiny dust mite.  The reaction is the same. Invaders such as bacteria and viruses initiate a much more severe reaction than airborne triggers such as dust mites, molds, pollen and pet dander; but even these air allergies can be very unpleasant and demand specific solutions.

The most common air allergy is commonly called hay fever, caused originally by the small particles of chaff, or hay particles, generated during the cutting of hay, and also by the pollen released from agricultural crops.  Today in many areas these are released from the thousands of square miles of rape flowers, but also by cereal and other grass crops. Other allergens include dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold and mildew spores, and airborne chemicals.

These airborne pollutants tend to be very small, and are able to penetrate deep within your nose, throat and pulmonary system, and to initiate a reaction by your immune system that nature devised to protect your body from attack. Among the symptoms you can experience as a result of your body’s protective action are:

1. A runny nose, designed to wash the nasal intruder out, and paradoxically, a stuffy nose to trap it where it is, and then be expelled as part of nasal phlegm.

2. Sneezing, to expel the foreign body from the nose.

3. Coughing, to expel intruding particles from the airway.

4. Watering eyes, to wash air allergies from the eye, often associated with conjunctivitis, which is a more severe reaction of the immune system to infection of the eyes by what is perceived as bacteria and molds.

5. Itchy eyes and nose, which are a deeper and more biochemical reaction to invasion beneath the skin.

The question you might be asking, however, is not so much the cause or its effects, but what can you do about it.  

There are chemical or medical treatments you could use, such as antihistamines, and herbal remedies such as chamomile and eyebright, but you can’t control the pollen count, and you can’t stop pets from shedding hair, dander, and dust. Since your main problem is the air that you breathe, then cleaning your air is sure to help.

In fact it seems to make some sense that air allergies could be avoided by breathing cleaner air. We all hear that prevention is better than cure.  You could use allergy bedding and so on, but that doesn’t overcome the main problem: allergens populating the air that you breathe.

It makes sense that if your allergy is caused by particles in the air that you breathe, then if you clear the air, you would remove the cause. Makes sense? Of course it does. So how do you go about this air replacement or air purification? In fact the solution is fairly simple.

And even though the concept might be simple,  the technology involved is not. It involves air filtration to a very high degree, and normal filters would not be capable of capturing the very fine irritants involved.  Technology has come up with a solution to your air allergies:  one that tackles the problem at its source. Such filters are known as High Efficiency Particle Arresting (HEPA) filters, and can capture even sub micron pollutants.

Read the original here: Allergy Solutions For Airborne Allergies


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