Baby Food Allergies: What You Need To Know

In recent year we have seen an increase in the susceptibility of allergies. Baby food allergies are of particular concern as the source may be difficult to detect. Baby food allergies ... Continue Reading →

Food Allergies – Flirting With Seafood

If you have a seafood allergy you will know the personal feelings and emotions that happen as you react to exposure to its allergens. You are not alone. This type of allergy is among ... Continue Reading →

Allergies in Dogs and Cats – Simple Solutions That Work

When I first graduated as a vet 20 years ago, I thought I knew how to treat every disease in animals known to man. A few years in suburban practice quickly taught me the error of my ... Continue Reading →

Homeopathy For Allergy Symptoms

You can consider trying homeopathy to help reduce your allergy symptoms. While homeopathy is considered an alternative treatment and often criticised as a medical practice that is not ... Continue Reading →

How to Ease Your Allergies: Quick Relief for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers!

You may be one of the masses who don’t even realize that you have allergies! According to studies, there are about 17 out of every 100 Americans that are allergic, or hypersensitive, ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Effects on The Pancreas and Small Intestine

Pancreas: The pancreas is a long, narrow gland which stretches from the spleen to about the middle of the duodenum. It has three main functions. Firstly, to provide digestive juices ... Continue Reading →

Shellfish Allergies Symptoms & Treatments Help

Shellfish allergies are caused by two classes of foods- mollusks which include clams, mussels, and oysters and crustaceans which include shrimp, lobster, and crabs. This also includes ... Continue Reading →