How to Determine If You Have Allergies – Allergy Symptoms

Allergy is a term broadly used in describing a reaction of body tissues that is unusual to a substance that has no distinctive or noticeable effect on other humans. According to studies, ... Continue Reading →

Keys To Allergy Elimination

If you suffer from allergies such as hay fever, no doubt you would like a way to achieve complete allergy elimination. This is especially true during hay fever season, when everything ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Vitamins Can Now Cure Seasonal Allergies

Allergies can make life absolutely miserable. Allergies can make you unable to go outside because you’re allergic to the grass, the leaves, the trees, the pollen, the pollution, ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Treatments – A “Home Treatment” – Energetic Approach to Treating Allergies

Allergies are an improper response or hypersensitivity to a substance that doesn’t affect most people. Everything in our world has an energetic signature or vibration that distinguishes ... Continue Reading →

Nickel Allergy and Sources of Contact

In general, for metal to cause a problem it needs to be in a moist environment. It is moisture that corrodes the metal which then gets released into the body. Where do these moist ... Continue Reading →

Egg Allergy Signs and Symptoms

One of the most common of all food allergies, especially amongst children. Most people will eventually outgrow their allergy but for a small percentage of people it will remain. Egg ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Shots For Dogs – Done the Right Way

Allergy shots for dogs make it possible for our pets to escape the itchy discomfort of allergy symptoms completely and permanently. That’s a wonderful thing, but it will not happen ... Continue Reading →

Peanut Allergy Treatment

Among various types of skin allergies, allergy by peanut is very dangerous as it can cause death. Currently in US, almost 1.1 percent of the population suffers from allergy by peanut. ... Continue Reading →

Horse Allergy Treatment and Prevention

Just like humans, horses can have a number of different types of allergies. The most common types of horse allergies are respiratory and skin. Respiratory allergies are also known ... Continue Reading →

Help For Allergy Symptoms – Causes, Triggers and Comfort Measures to Survive Allergy Season

Developing allergies later in life is becoming more and more common. People experiencing these symptoms for the first time often feel that they are coming down with some kind of viral ... Continue Reading →

Allergy Causes – 3 Theories on What Really Causes Allergies

We spend so much time talking about allergy symptoms and allergy remedies that we often overlook the most basic question of all – that being what is the cause of allergies? And ... Continue Reading →

Avoid and Deal With Allergy Headaches

Did you know that your seasonal allergy may be causing you headaches? There’s a lot of people suffering from allergy headaches and they don’t know the real cause for it. ... Continue Reading →